Understanding The Positioning

Friends thank you very much for taking out time from your busy schedule to read my blog(s). Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comment’s column. Friends’ Everything, I do or say is PR. I’m delighted to share 132nd Blog titled ‘Understanding the Positioning’ with you.

“Positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect.” - Positioning – The Battle For Your Mind (2001) Authors: Al Ries & Jack Trout.

Friends’ Positioning is the 6th P of 7Ps of PR introduced by yours truly on social media, precisely, Facebook – META on 1st January 2012. Positioning defines where a product or service stands in relation to others offering similar products and services in the minds of its consumers. Positioning is the single biggest influence on a consumer’s mind.

Positioning makes a product or service exclusive and makes its beneficiaries considering using it as a distinct benefit to them. Positioning gives the product or service its Unique Selling Proposition (USP). In a market place cluttered with lots of products, services and brands offering similar benefits, Positioning makes a product, service or brand stand out from the rest.

A well-crafted Positioning strategy not only improves the image and visibility of an Individual, Product or Service, Company, Corporate, Organisation and or a Brand but also elevate its marketing efforts to make the target audience know about them and influence their decision to buy that product or service. An effective positioning strategy not only focus on existing status of a product, service or brand but also how they could possibly grow in the near future.

After positioning strategy, next step is to choose the right Positioning Statement. The positioning statement should reflect the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of an Individual, or product, service, and the brand to reach – connect - influence – persuade the target audience. Being concise and compelling expression of how a product, service or brand will deliver value to its target audience, the Positioning Statement helps the product, service or the brand to stand out in the market and connect with its target audience. Positioning statement determines what place a brand should occupy in the consumer's mind compared to the competition.

Friends’ Positioning, also known as mindshare marketing, the aim of which is to stake a claim to the cognitive association in consumers' minds, connecting the brand's trademark with the benefit claim as simply, consistently and frequently as possible; is a vital concept of marketing communication that create unique selling proposition for new product or service as well as for the existing product(s) or service(s). In absence of an appropriate positioning statement, 1. it would not be easy for any product or service to trade in the target market comfortably, 2. Unique selling proposition of the product would fail to get communicated the target audience and 3. The target audience might not be able to differentiate and decide to buy the product or service in a highly competitive scenario.

To sum up; Since, Positioning is one of the vital elements of a marketing communication plan which can influence the mind of the target audience, if crafted well, can very efficiently communicate the USP of a product or service or brand to its target audience and help them to arrive at right buying decision.

Thank you for reading the blog.



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