
Is PR an ART or Science?

Is PR an ART or Science? Friends’ Thank you for landing on my BLOG PAGE. Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comment’s column. Friends’ Everything, I do or say is PR. I’m delighted to share 147 th Blog titled “Is PR an ART or Science?”. Friends, yours truly is explaining various PR definitions since year 2009 to his students of PR. One of the definitions is a statement which was issued in year 1978 by the World Assembly of PR Associations in Mexico. The statement is also known as “The Mexican Statement”. As per the statement PR practice is…. a.      The art and science of analyzing trends, b.     Predicting their consequences, c.       Counselling the organization leaders and d.   Implementing planned programs of actions which will serve both, the organization and the public’s interest.   And, point “a.” mentioned above is the motivation behind composing this blog… Friends’ art is a broad term

The Future of PR in Changing World

Friends’ Thank you for landing on my BLOG PAGE. Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comment’s column. Friends’ Everything, I do or say is PR. I’m delighted to share 146 th Blog titled “The Future of PR in Changing World”. Friends, the future of PR in changing world is dependent on four things: Technology, Trust, Content, & Social Responsibility. At the outset I would like to share some key data about INDIA to ponder upon...  a.    India’s population is projected over 145Cr. for 2024. b.    Smartphone users in India are around 113cr. c.     52.4% of India’s population (76cr.) are using internet. d.    Facebook Users in India are around 38 Cr. e.    X users in India are around 2.73 Cr. f.     Instagram users in India are around 52Cr. g.    Pinterest users in India are around 18 Cr. h.    LinkedIn users in India are around 12Cr. i.     YouTube users in India are around 47 Cr j.     FB Thre

The Art of Online Reputation Management

Friends’ Thank you for landing on my BLOG PAGE. Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comment’s column. Friends’ Everything, I do or say is PR. I’m delighted to share 145 th Blog titled “The Art of Online Reputation Management”. Friends’ Reputation refers to the general opinion that people have about someone or something. It's a measure of respect, trust, or admiration, and can be influenced by a person's actions, achievements, or character. In the context of organizations, reputation is about the public perception of a company's brand, products, and services. Reputation management is the ongoing process of influencing public perception about a business or organization. It involves strategically monitoring online conversations, addressing negative feedback, and building a positive brand image. Key elements of Reputation Management are; 1.     Monitoring online reputation: This involves tracking

Do Journalists Also Need PR & Reputation Management?

Friends’ Thank you for landing on my BLOG PAGE. Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comment’s column. Friends’ Everything, I do or say is PR. I’m delighted to share 144 th Blog titled ‘Do Journalists Also Need PR & Reputation Management? Friends’ I’m teaching PR since 2009. There is always a chapter on “Media Relations” in PGD in PR & Advtg. course curriculum and I always tell my students that PR, besides Public Relations, Professional Relations, Personal Relations, Press Release, Perception & Reputation, also stands for Press Relations or media relations and why it is very important for PROS to develop good and long-lasting relations with the journalists and how to develop such relations with them; but I never thought whether journalists also need PR.   Hence this blog. Friends’ a journalist is someone who gathers information and reports it to the public through various media outlets, such as ne