Understanding the Cult Brand

Friends thank you very much for taking out time from your busy schedule to read my blog(s). Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comment’s column. Friends’ Everything, I do or say is PR. I’m delighted to share 131st Blog titled ‘Understanding the Cult Brand’ with you.

Friends’ Term 'Brand' originated from the old Norse word “brandr” meaning 'to burn' and referred to the mark that cowboys would burn into their livestock's skin to identify the owner. The term 'Cult' comes from the Latin ‘Cultus’ meaning 'Worship. A social group that follows unusual religious, philosophical, spiritual beliefs to attain a common interest or goal in life is also known as Cult.

A brand is a concept, product, or service that can be easily communicated and marketed. Consumers - customers associates themselves with a brand or product due to its certain attributes such as price, quality, taste and packaging. Therefore, we can say that a brand is the sum of diverse expressions by which an object intends to be recognized and therefore, has a unique identity that distinguishes itself from others in the trade.

Brand has a collective impact or lasting impression from all that is seen, heard, or experienced by consumers - customers who come into its contact. It could be an individual, organization, product or service. Brand is the most important asset that an organization owns because it represents the organization and helps keep the organization in the minds of its consumers – customers.

Friends’ Cult is a person or thing that has become popular with a particular group of people and a cult brand is a symbol-intensive brand usually tied to a sole consumer - customer segment or a specific product category. Cult brand(s) deliver a sense of belongingness’ between publics who share the same culture and passions. Cult brand has a relatively small but loyal consumer - customer base that verges on fanaticism. Consumers – customers of a Cult brand feel a sense of self-ownership or vested interest in popularity and success of the brand. Cult brand(s) often have a strong community and a sense of exclusivity, and they may not be widely known or appreciated by the general public. 

Edelman's Trust Barometer 2020 found 64% of today's customers are belief-driven buyers. They think brands can be a powerful force for change. Cult brands have a passionate, loyal following who love a brand for its own sake. They are not just famous brands but also loved, trusted, and emphatically defended against any detractor, with a fanbase willing to live the brand.  

Cult brand(s) stand out because of their unmistakable, unique brand personality, and they stay true to that personality, no matter what. They do not pursue customers, but use their values and convictions to attract the people who identify with the brand. Cult brand(s) has an incredibly loyal customer base. Consumers - customers have a vested interest in the brand. They feel a level of relatability to what the brand says, does and sells, more than a traditional brand might not experience.

If a brand can create a cult following, they will have a loyal consumer - customer base that is willing to buy their products and share the brand with people around them. There are many ways to create a cult brand from giving consumers – customers a sense of belongingness to simple acts of kindness that create long-term bonds with the consumer. 

Cult brand(s) have no competition. They rule their consumer – customer defined category. These brands are profitable even in the most adverse market conditions because of the powerful relationships they’ve forged with their customers. Cult Brand(s) understand that their brands belong to their loyal consumers – customers and their voice counts.

Successful Cult Brand(s) embraces its consumers - customers by anticipating their basic needs. As a consequence, Cult Brand(s) achieve a level of consumer - customer loyalty unprecedented in traditional business. Cult brand(s) achieve a unique connection with its consumers - customers, and are able to create a consumer – customer culture that people want to be a part of.

Cult Brand(s) always gives back, and attempt to find new ways to show its love and appreciation for the passion and devotion of their customers towards the brand and That’s the reason their fans adore them, love them, and consider them unique. This special attachment of fans leads to more loyalty, identification, and willingness to recommend the brand.

Cult brands also stands out because of their inimitable, unique brand personality, and they stay true to that personality, no matter what. They do not pursue consumers - customers, but use their values and convictions to attract the publics who identify with their brand and these publics in return form a loyal community.

To conclude; there are many ways to create a Cult Brand. From giving consumers a sense of belongingness to simple acts of kindness that create long term bonds with the consumer. Becoming a Cult Brand is the result of superior understanding of the consumer - customer behavior where consumer – customer insights and their need come together. Cult Brands have strong foundations with a definite set of consumers – customers that love the brand products and want to be aligned with the image that is represented by cult brand(s). Cult Brand(s) also have a great influence over their consumers – customers which helps them market their products and services leading to more sales, in addition their consumers gain a feeling of belongingness and sense of success on their brands’ achievements. 

Thank you for reading the blog.



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