Understanding FILM PR

Friends, Thank you very much for taking out time from your busy schedule to read my blog(s). Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comments column. Friends’ Everything I do or say is PR.

Friends’ I’m delighted to share 123rd Blog titled Understanding FILM PR’. Friends’ aim of this blog is to make you understand different aspects of Film PR. Friends’ films play an important role in enriching and entertaining our lives. Many film goers or say fans anxiously wait for the FRIDAY when a new film is released.

Indian film industry is a major player in the field of entertainment. Our film industry is massive one, and so are its requirements to earn profits and attain goals of entering their films in 500crs or even 1000crs club. Business of films production is spread all over India i.e. in east viz. Assam & West Bengal, north of India viz. Bihar, Haryana, Punjab, and UP, in south viz. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra in the west of India. Films produced in these states are widely viewed across the globe due to cultural and linguistic proximities which were made possible by the non resident Indians settled globally. Shootings of films in foreign locations, shows and events having presence of Indian film stars, and representations in the International film festivals abroad have strategically contributed to film promotion, film PR and branding globally.

Understanding of Film PR is necessary to learn how to stimulate the interest of film distributors and to make the audience anxious and excited for the release of the film to watch and the film to enter 100croes and more clubs.  Friends’ in May 2020 yours truly had created the term PR = Perception - Reputation and also wrote a blog on this topic, please do read the same and comment.


PR means Perception Reputation and Film PR involves use of all forms of communication and channels to promote and manage the perception - reputation of film personalities - celebrities including the films by promoting the film celebrities by creating a positive buzz, arranging media coverage i.e. arranging interviews of film celebrities – actors etc. in print and electronic media and also getting their special articles and photographs published, and short videos – TikTok videos – short reels promoted on digital platforms – social media platforms, marketing them as brand ambassadors or brand influencers. Film actors having a huge fan following, does help in successful marketing of a film.

PR for films can be done at three stages; Pre-production, during production, Post production i.e. before and after the release of the films by using apt media channels of communication i.e. Print, Electronics, Outdoor, Digital and Special events like media tours, special screening of the film,  film premier, etc.    

Every film require a right communication strategy that can generate interest around the film and use of the right channel or mediums of communication to communicate the strategy and that’s Film PR. Friends’ Film PR brings spotlight to a film by creating excitement in the minds of its target audience which draws that audience to the cinema halls. The more a film is talked about, the more interest it garners.

To conclude; as per ME report of FICCI- Frames 2023, during the year 2022, India’s film segment grew 85% to reach 90% of its 2019 levels as theaters re-opened. Domestic film releases were twice 2021 levels.  Gross box office revenues crossed INR100 billion, only the second time in India’s history. Over 1,600 films were released in 2022, theatrical revenues crossed INR100 billion, and fewer films released directly on digital platforms. Also 335 Indian films were released overseas. As per the report film viewers, those wish to have top-end premium experience while watching films is between 30-40 million,  single screen audience is between 60-80 million, digital audience i.e. people who pay to watch films on OTT platforms is around 550 million and people who watch online or offline free films are around 200 million. Indian films industry is expected to grow to INR228 billion by 2025 driven by higher per capita income, which will expand the cinema audience base to 120 to 150 million. Film PR can play an effective and crucial role in achieving the above mentioned estimated figures by Indian film industry. Our film makers must remember that Investing in Film PR is more beneficial then marketing and advertising which cost filmmakers a lot.


Thank you for reading the blog.



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