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Understanding the Journey of an IDEA to a STORY

Friends, Thank you very much for taking out time from your busy schedule to read my blog(s). Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comments column.  Today I’m very happy to present 111th Blog: ‘Understanding the Journey of an IDEA to a STORY’.  

Friends, in my 109th blog I had tried to explain the art of storytelling.  In my 111th blog ‘Understanding the Journey of an IDEA to a STORY’ I’m trying to explain the journey of an Idea to a story. Friends you would agree with me that since the dawn of mankind stories are deeply ingrained in our psyche. Stories are consistently conveying meaningful insights to us and are playing important part in our lives since our existence in this world.

There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.

-         J.K. Rowling

Friends’ Idea of a story is the central concept that the writer wants to portray through the narrative, characters and settingsIdea has four phases i.e. Inspiration, Incubation, Illumination and Implementation. The central idea of a story is the central concept that the writer wants to portray through the plot, characters and events. The central idea in a story is always implied and not explicit, which is not directly expressed, but portrayed through its main character's actions, events, and plot.

Friends’ Story is an account of a series of related events.  Story has three levels of meaning.  On the surface is the literal level. The next level down is the moral or lesson of the story.  And the underlying level is the assumed world of the story.

Friends’ Plot of a story defines the what, when, and where of the story i.e. what happens, when does it happen, and where it is happening. It’s like skeleton of a story which has five parts i.e. exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and conclusion.

Being a writer, whenever I think of or look for an idea of a story I keep the target audience - readers in mind and also how the writer in me wishes to tell that idea through an impressive and powerful story or narration. Friends Idea is important to both writer and the audience.  Whenever I look for the reason or purpose of writing a story, I ask to myself questions like why I should write the story and how does the story going to influence my audience. I believe that writing a story is the most powerful way to put one’s ideas into words.

Putting an interesting idea into a meaningful story with right characters, events and situations makes the idea acceptable and relatable and the story can successfully transfer the values and beliefs through the characters of the story. Therefore, the plot, the characters, the events and the entire process of conveying the story in an effective manner from the beginning to the end is important.  Things that help in bringing a great idea alive are its insight, interpretation, and context, which are intrinsic parts of a story.

Friends’ a good story plays with emotions of the audience. Sometimes it’s important to carry the audience on the back of emotions by making their empathic connection with the characters of the story to convey the intrinsic message. It’s important that the writer should convey emotions through the audience’s empathy with its characters, their reactions, and choices to have a lasting bond with the audience.  Mostly the writer leads its audience to identify and connect themselves with the main characters of a story and empathy is the main vehicle for transporting such meanings and creating strong emotional connection with the main characters.

Basically, the emotional connection with stories enables the brain to remember meaningful details. The key to influencing the audience through the story is to use the story to provoke an emotional reaction and the best way to make an empathic connection with the audience is through writing a story about a relatable person who has the same hopes and fears, the same challenges and inner struggles as the audience.

To conclude;

Friends, if you have an idea and wish to develop the same into an interesting story, than think of a plot which defines what, when and where of the story, and focus on structuring the storyline around the plot.  Once you’re done with this, think about the characters, theme and message. Now start working on the events and situations i.e. why, who and how. And lastly sit down to weave the story around the plot, characters, situations and events. Once you’re done with the first draft of the story, revise it carefully, edit it line by line, keep the conflict intact which is the most important aspect of a story, and give finishing touches – fill in the gaps. Always remember that only a good story captures audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more.

Thank you for reading the blog.



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