Public Relations Today & Tomorrow

Friends, Thank you very much for taking out time from your busy schedule to read my blog(s). Sharing knowledge with you has become my passion now. I feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comments column. Friends’ Everything I do or say is PR.

Friends’ I’m delighted to share my 114th Blog titled Public Relations Today & Tomorrow’.

Friends’ the global public relations market will grow from $100.39 billion in 2022 to $107.05 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6% and is further expected to grow to $133.82 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 5.7%.

India's PR industry at $260m accounts for 8.5% of Asia-Pacific and 1% of the global PR industry. As per PRCAI, Indian PR industry grew by 13% in 2022 and crisis management, public affairs - advocacy and internal communication were the top three services provided by the PR agencies in India. One of the key reasons for PR growth in India is because of the understanding importance and need of PR by upcoming unicorns and start-ups in private sector.

Friends’ PR is constantly growing and with the swift progression of technology e.g. Big Data, and changes in the media design and scene, the future of PR is going to be different from what it is today and is set to be exciting and challenging one, with many changes and innovations expected to transform the field of PR tomorrow.

Big data and artificial intelligence is already transforming industries globally, and PR is no exception and one can foresee greater use of these two in Indian PR industry as well in time to come, more particularly for data analysis, media monitoring, and sentiment analysis (i.e. process of analyzing digital text to determine if the emotional tone of the message is positive, negative, or neutral). Today, companies have large volumes of text data like emails, customer support chat transcripts, social media comments, and reviews and with the help of these tools, PROS would be able to track the success of PR campaigns, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven key decisions.

Since Web.2.0 which has more user-generated content and usability for end-users compared to its earlier incarnation ‘Web 1.0’ has greatly impacted the PR industry globally and India's PR industry is no exception, and the impact would be huge in future, therefore India's PR industry would require to focus more on Online PR - Digital PR including social media i.e. Meta, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, On-line News Channels, YouTube, and other upcoming online - digital channels, which would require creation of engaging content that can drive traffic to an organization’s digital platforms such as website & social media platforms.

To conclude;

Digital environment such as BIG DATA, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, and Robotics are playing an important role in our daily lives. We are living in a technology-driven environment, and we have seen that evolving technology became one of the most prominent drivers of change and innovation. PR industry is also undergoing a shift in technology and getting ready for a tech ready future of PR. BIG DATA and AI are being considered as the key components and tools. Applying Artificial Intelligence in PR would mean faster results and in turn would allow PR practitioners to meet their purposes faster too. Therefore the PR practitioners are required to unlearn the traditional skills to survive in the digital environment, also known as 4th Industrial Revolution.

Thank you for reading the blog.



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