The Art of Blogging - A Blogger’s Perspective


Friends, Thank you very much for taking out time from your very busy schedule to read my blog(s). Sharing PR knowledge with you with finesse has become my passion now and I really feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comments column.  Friends, I’m happy to present 74th blog The Art of Blogging - A Blogger’s Perspective”.

Did you know the first blog was created in 1994? Say almost 28 years ago and now in 2022, after 28 years around 7.5 million new blogs, ( posts are published every day across all platforms. As of now there are over 600 million blogs and 1.9 billion websites worldwide (, based on activities reported by WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, Wix, Squarespace, and Medium and this number is constantly growing.  Blogging, which was once looked at as a hobby, has now become an important marketing tool as most of the professionals and experts in their relative fields and trades are using blogging to directly grow their bottom line.

Today, the world of blogging has transformed from obscure personal blogs to a space for activities and businesses of all kinds, shapes and sizes. Having a blog is the single most important thing an individual or a business can do to advance online. Blogger, Word Press, Tumblr, and Medium are the key blogging websites.

In January 1996, Bill Gates wrote an essay titled “Content is King” which was published on the Microsoft website. He said, “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the internet, just as it was in broadcasting”. ( Bill Gates was correct in his predictions. Content is what drives the internet as we know it; social media platforms, blog posts, videos, websites, and much more. Then we have search engines like Google, who dominate the internet and provide us with a platform, to explore and discover new content.

Blog is a social media phenomenon which evolved together with the Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is the term used to describe a variety of websites and applications that allow anyone to create and share online information or material they have created. A key element of the technology is that it allows people to create, share, collaborate & communicate. The term Web 2.0 was coined by Darcy DiNucci, an information architecture consultant, in her 1999 article “Fragmented Future”. The term Web 2.0 was later popularized by Tim O’ Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the first Web 2.0 Conference in late 2004.

Blogs are a type of website. The only real difference between a blog and other types of website is that blogs are updated on a regular basis with new content, which is displayed in reverse chronological order (new blog posts first). Typical websites are static in nature where content is organized in pages, and they are not updated frequently. Whereas blog is dynamic and it is usually updated more frequently. Some bloggers publish multiple new articles a day. Blogs can be part of a larger website. Often businesses have a blog section where they regularly create content to inform and educate their customers. In simple terms, all blogs can be a website or part of a website. However, not all websites can be called blogs. 

Blogging isn’t easy; it’s a commitment and it takes time. Blogs are usually written by the individuals and said to be suitable for the digital natives, to which some refer as “Generation C” which represents people that are born after 90’s and is empowered by the digital technology. This is why ‘C stands for connected, always clicking, communicating, creative or content-centric and belong to the largest categories of the internet users, which are between 15-45 years old as these users participate on the internet by reading and writing the content. Young people are nowadays highly engaged on the internet where they can freely express their opinions. It is also predicted that Generation C will continue increasingly consume digital information in order to simplify and improve their lives. It is clear that Generation C is the ‘engine’ of the digital era. Nevertheless, there is also the evidence that people above 50 years have experience with the creation of internet content, too. This means that due to various user-friendly tools on the internet, almost everybody can become a blogger.  

Blog communicate one’s expertise and knowledge of a particular area or field of interest and accordingly builds their credibility and authority on the subject and help frame their expertise on the topic. A great blog shows that the brand has its own unique personality, has tons of interesting information to knowledge-drop, and is worth spending time with. Blogging is not only self expression but self fulfillment too that becomes a journey of self discovery for a blogger. A blogger knows what works for him / her and what doesn’t. Bloggers write about topics that resonate with their field of interest and purpose while keeping focused and relevant. It is an exciting time for them to live where they can connect to their respective global tribe with rich multimedia that transcends time and place and that is the Power of blog and blogging.  

Definition of BLOG & BLOGGING as per Merriam Webster dictionary:

a)      A website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer also.

b)     Blog is a regular feature appearing as part of an online publication that typically relates to a particular topic and consists of articles and personal commentary by one or more authors.

c)      Blogging is to write or write about something on a blog.

Who is a Blogger?

A blogger is a person who owns or runs a blog or a person who maintains the blog i.e. posting of new posts, articles, information, and case or research studies etc. known as blog posts.

Starting a blog about your hobby, expertise, or business can be a game changer. You can raise your profile, connect with others, grow your network, and strengthen your brand.

When planning to write a blog - Remember 5Ws and H i.e. What, Why, Where, When, Who or Whom and How.

What do you want to blog about – Topic(s)?

Why do you want to blog – purpose or objective?

Where do you want to launch your blog – Website?

When do you want to blog – periodicity?

Who or Whom do you want to read your blog – your target audience?

How do you want to write your blog – presentation style, length (words)?

Steps to be followed when writing a blog

Step 1 - Choose a Blogging Platform

To start your blog, you need a blogging platform for launch your blog. A blogging platform is an online software service that makes it easy to create a blog and manage your content.

Step 2 - Choose a Domain Name

Your domain name is your blog’s identity on the web. This is the URL that people type into their web browser when they want to visit your blog. For  example

Step 3 – Post your blog – observe the steps.

Log in to your domain page - Create a new blog post -> Write a headline for your post in the “Title” section -> Write your blog post -> Add images (if any) -> Add categories and tags -> Press “Publish”.

How to Write a Blog Post? 

a)      Choose your blog post topic: Consider the blog topics that your target readers are most eager to know about.

b)     Pick one clear angle: Establish thought leadership on a particular area e.g. tourism, hospitality, politics, celebrity etc.

c)      Get Organized: Research, go through the available data or related material,

d)     Open with a strong hook: Follow 5 Ws and H. Title of your blog and opening para should hook the readers and make them to read the blog.

e)      Write naturally: Don’t use jargons. Write in a easy to understand language. Communicate well.

f)       Write emotionally: Put your heart and soul in the blog. Whosoever read the blog should get a feel that the blog has been written for him/her.

g)     Write all important points: Write keeping in mind your perspective readers mind set. Check that all the key points related to the topic have been taken care and nothing important have missed to be included.

h)     Conclude Strong: Remember to leave a long lasting impact on the minds of your readers, so the closing para should be strong enough to create an impact.

Length of Blog Post?

Genuine and good readers always look for quality content, and quality content is often comprehensive - i.e. long. Comprehensive posts have more keywords, more topics, headings, links, and related images which can help in search engine ranking. This doesn’t mean all your posts need to be lengthy. As a simple rule of thumb, start by aiming for 1,000 - 1,500 words per post. You can always experiment and see how your readers respond to your blog(s).

Blogging Tips – Journalistic & Other blogs

Starting a new blog or say a blog, journalistic or other blog, is not so easy and can put you off and discouraged because of the lack of comments or visits. But do not worry about that, and start writing your thoughts on the topic or the area you wish to create your charisma. For example someone write on Public Relations and its related topics, so that those interested to know all about PR can just land to their blog page. 

If you wish to stand out and make your presence felt in the world of bloggers, giving you few tips to help you on your way to become a successful blogger, journalistic or others.

1.      Stick to only few specific genres or areas you wish to write about.

2.      Before writing your blog do proper research on the blog topic. Read what others have written or spoken about the topic you wish to write about. 

3.      Always keep in mind that you’re writing the blog to inform, guide, and educate your readers and not to misguide, and or hurt the feelings of your readers.

4.      Don’t start writing straight on the Blog site - page directly. First write on a word - document using your favorite type font and size. Once you’re finally done and fully satisfied with your blog, copy and paste the same on your blog page and publish.

5.      Avoid using jargons, use simple words of the language you wish to use to express your thoughts.

6.      Though there are no rules to what you post on your blog but you should make your own rules that satisfy you as a reader first and also meet the unsaid rules of blogosphere.

7.      Post regularly, i.e. once a week or so on but never ever post if you have nothing worth to talk or write about.

8.      Journalistic blog must be based on topic of general interest, a current news or important event that people care about or interview of an authority on the topic.

9.      A blogger share the information according to his own perspective whereas in a journalistic blog, the journalist does it according to the media house he or she is serving for.

Benefits of blogging

a)      An online / digital  platform to organize one’s thoughts and ideas

b)     A strong platform to showcase one’s skills, creativity, and talents

c)      Gives you a platform to become a leader in your chosen field.

d)     Blogging helps in networking with like-minded people around the globe.

e)      Most of the bloggers are making good money by giving consultations being experts, writing content for sponsors, writing paid reviews and advertorials.   

f)       Writing a blog about a trending news story that can bring you in focus of the concerned persons.

g)     Journalists use blogs to express their personal views on news of national or global interest.

h)     Non-profits can use blogs to raise awareness, run social media campaigns, and influence public opinion.

i)        Blogger is also known as a citizen journalist.

What is a Journalistic Blog

A journalistic blog has the idea of objectivity. A Journalist is expected to keep an objective mindset at the time of writing a blog since most of the journalistic blogs are based on some important happenings or events or recent news item, political or non political, based on an interview or the source, research work, or report to mention or about some news story the journalist is keen to talk about. Most of the journalistic blogs has a political angle and are based on the principles of truthfulness, facts, accuracy, impartiality, fairness, and respect for the person or the organization they are writing about without any personal opinion. 

Few of the journalistic blogs are listed here under:

1.      “The Western Journal” is a News company that drives positive cultural change by equipping readers with truth.

2.      “Lens” the photo-journalism blog of The New York Times presents the finest visual reporting, including photos, and stories from across

3.      “Youth Ki Awaaz” covers India, news, politics, pop culture, gender, human rights, LGBT issues, music, arts and world events.

4.      “Press Gazette” writes on British journalism without fear or favour since 1965. Its’ mission is to provide journalism news and information service which helps the UK journalism.

5.      “The Online Journalism Blog” publishes comments, analyses, and links covering online journalism and online news, data journalism, citizen journalism, blogging, Vlogging, photo blogging, podcasts, vodcasts, interactive storytelling, publishing, Computer-Assisted Reporting, User Generated Content, searching, and all things internet.

6.      “Youth Journalism International” is an educational public charity that connects teen writers, artists and photographers with peers around the globe, teaches journalism, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and promotes and defends a free youth press.

Source: ( 

What is Vlog or Vlogging?

Vlog, Vlogging or video blogging is a form of blogging that uses video content. Vlogging is done through an online video channel e.g. YouTube or FBLive, LinkedIn Live or Instagram Live. The duration of a vlog depends on the topic and the content one wish to cover in the Vlog. Vlog entries often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata. 

On January 2, 2000, Adam Kontras posted a video alongside a blog entry aimed at informing his friends and family of his cross-country move to Los Angeles in pursuit of show business, marking the first post on what would later become the longest-running video blog in history.

In recent years, "Vlogging" has become one of the accepted forms of digital entertainment. Vlogs can take advantage of web syndication to allow for the distribution of video over the Internet using either the RSS or Atom syndication formats i.e.  XML (Extensible Markup) Language used for web feeds, for automatic aggregation and playback on mobile devices and personal computers. 

As per a report more than 61% of vloggers upload more than one video a week and 86% of the vlog content on YouTube comes from YouTube creators. 

Blog as Narratives

A narrative is an outcome of connected threads. Narrative can be a story, drama, novel, folk tale, or say poetry, theatre, film or music. Narrative text or writing provides in-depth meaning to its target audience and facilitates them to visualize a given situation and use their imagination. Elements in narratives include a theme, plot, over all structure, style of writing, perspective, and the message that the blogger like me wish to convey to their target audience. Each of these elements plays a key role in developing an interesting blog, taking the blogger’s message and presenting it to the target audience in a well planned manner.

To conclude, blogging is not at all difficult to begin. One need to answer 5Ws i.e. Why, What, When, Where, Who or Whom and H i.e. “How” you need to think and understand how to knit your thoughts in a impressive, creative, thoughtful, and informative language. You not need a dictionary or thesaurus to find right words that can relate and resonate with your thought process. Just sit quietly, take a deep breath, think about the topic that interests you, and start keying your thoughts on your laptop or desktop of notepad of your phone. 

Happy Blogging :)

Dr. (HC) Suresh Gaur, PR Guru

D.Litt. Specialization in Public Relations

Author & Blogger




  1. At the outset of my comments, I would honestly confess that I never tried to write a Blog. Though I am a good reader. I have strong passion for reading good material, to add to my knowledge
    But I m a bit failure at digital perfection. Therefore keep writing in my own notebooks. Never tried to share on social media.
    Your blog has actually inspired me to use my skills more professionally.
    With best regards.

  2. Great information. Thank you.


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