My Dear Friends,

Thank you for reading my earlier blogs and sharing your views. I really feel encouraged after reading your feedback in the comments column. Friends, presenting my 51st blog titled “PR = PYAAR” to you.

Friends, Public Relations has many synonyms e.g. Image or reputation  management, perception management, spin doctoring, press relations, press release, media manipulation, public image, publicity, self – promotion etc. etc. etc. According to me saying “I Love You” and or just “Love You” are also synonyms of PUBLIC RELATIONS!!!

Surely, you would be having a big smile on your charming face with a question mark - HOW???

Please keep smiling, while I try to explain to you my latest definition and understanding of Public Relations……….

How PR as “PYAAR” or “LOVE” and Saying "I LOVE YOU" or “Love You” to anyone is also Public Relations?

“PYAAR” or “LOVE” and or Saying "I LOVE YOU" or “Love You” are more serious and committing terms. Attributes of PYAAR or LOVE are….. AFFECTION, APPRECIATION, CARE, COMMITMENT, COMMUNICATION, DESIRE, EMOTIONS, HONESTY, IMAGINATION, KINDNESS, LOYALITY, MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING, NEED, PASSION, RESPECT, TRUST, and TRUTHFULNESS, and Public Relations is a practice in which all the above attributes ( of LOVE) plays strategic role in establishing favourable image and strong long- term relationships of an individual or organization with their internal and external publics.

Three words or seven alphabets   “I LOVE YOU’ are the essence of both - life, as well as Public Relations.  Both Love and Public Relations should be win-win.  Genuine Public Relations cannot be false or fake.  It will present the best side of any Individual or organization, products or services to its respective publics so that both can benefit.  The organization benefits due to better branding, visibility leading to higher sales, and the target public benefits by becoming aware of the existence, availability and quality of the particular product, service, or organization.

Saying "I LOVE YOU" and or “Love You” means,  to care for and respect the opinions of others, not to hate anyone, being loyal and polite to everyone and above all to be a giver………..And if you truly love somebody, you won’t cheat.  Public Relations don’t cheat, and is honest.

Thank you for reading the blog.




  1. Sir, the first requirement of any PR exercise is to build a connect with the target audience. Human mind is prewired to respond to negative and positive emotions and stimuli. A positive emotional connect would surely make the target audience more receptive to the message which follows. Well covered sir


  3. That's a very interesting experience in PR communication as it is between a limited set of persons, a category and can't be applied unniversally. There's also a danger of violent respnse, not mere rejection of PR proposal.
    Yet, Suresh ji has very cleverly romantasised this PR skill (or hit & trial PR effort) πŸ™„πŸŽˆπŸ™ƒ

  4. Very well written sir.
    PR = PYAAR = Preeti Rawat πŸ˜‹

  5. New definition of PYAAR. Well explained Gaur ji.

  6. what a great way to explain...wish we could attend your classes during our IIMC days

  7. Sir, very well explained Public Relations.


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