Brand Personality & Brand Ambassador – A Distinct Relationship

Friends, in my last blog, I discussed about creating brand personality based on Aaker model (1997). After posting the blog, out of the blue, the term Brand Ambassador started creeping in my mind and I became curious to understand how a company or organisation selects its brand ambassador to promote and market its product(s) and or service(s) by using different mediums of communication – Offline & Online, and whether it requires a detailed exercise to select a brand ambassador who can do justice to the brand personality, hence this blog.

Every brand, being a distinct personality, has a blend of characteristics that form its unique character based on Aaker (1997). As per Aaker, there are five different dimensions of a brand personality (based on “Big Five” dimensions of a human personality), each divided into a set of traits i.e. Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, Sophistication and Ruggedness. Each of the dimensions is meant to work together to create a generalized scale of traits that a business can use to help determine its brand’s personality.
Similarly, a brand ambassador humanizes the brand by exemplifying its corporate identity, showing the target customers that the corporate has a face. The brand ambassador believes in the brand and what it represents and thinks about what the brand stands for i.e. corporate’s mission, vision, and goals. But, when we say that the brand ambassador humanizes the brand and is the face of the corporate or the organisation then the dimensions of the brand personality he or she represents must be visible through his or her overall personality and actions also.  It means that while finalizing someone to be the brand ambassador he / she should outwardly i.e. physically (appearance, posture), Mentally (thoughts, ethics) and emotionally (gesture, behaviour) symbolize the brand personality (based on “Big Five” dimensions of a human personality) than only he or she can justify to be the brand ambassador and can create an instant connect with brand’s target audience.
As per WIKIPEDIA….The brand ambassador is meant to embody the corporate identity in appearance, demeanor, values and ethics. The key element of brand ambassadors are their ability to use promotional strategies that will strengthen the customer-product-service relationship and influence a large audience to buy and consume more.
While brand identity is the collection of elements that a company creates to portray an image to its customer that is physical side of a brand name, logo, design, color, font etc. whereas brand personality refers to the characteristics and emotions customers associate with a brand that can be felt and experienced while interacting with the brand and in return creates a loyal customer. So, in my opinion, when the brand ambassador conveys the brand personality successfully through his or her actions than it would also reinforce the brand identity.
To conclude; while finalizing a brand ambassador we should, as far as possible, try to match the overall personality of the person (to be appointed as brand ambassador) with our brand’s personality so as to create an authentic human face of the corporate or organisation.
Thank you for reading the blog.



  1. Well explained, sir. In this era of short lived choices and frequent introduction of upgrades or new items due to stiff competition, a brand ambassador should preferably have lasting value to restrain costs. Apart from advertisements, profile and conduct of brand ambassador should also be in line with brand values.

  2. Highly calculated and calibrated craft based on afriendly acceptance of a brand and it's human face.Great deep diving effort.

  3. Commendable effort indeed. Distinction between Brand Ambassador and Brand Personality explained very beautifully.


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