The Nitty Gritty of Public Affairs

Public Affairs is a term used to describe an organisation’s relationship with its stakeholders.  These are individuals or groups with an interest in the organisation's affairs, such as Politicians (MPs / MLAs), Civil Servants, Customers, Local Communities, Clients, Shareholders, Trade Associations, Think Tanks, Business Groups, Charities, Unions and the Media. Public affairs work combines Government Relations, Media Communications, Issue Management, Corporate  Social Responsibility, Information Dissemination and Strategic Communications Advice.

Public affairs practitioners engage stakeholders in order to explain organisational policies and views on public policy issues, assisting policy makers and legislators in amending or laying down better policy and legislation. They provide statistical and factual information and lobby on issues which could impact upon the organisation's ability to operate successfully. Public Affairs practitioners aim to influence public policy, build and maintain a strong reputation and find common ground with stakeholders. Organizations who make use of public affairs are typically large companies, charities, trade unions, membership organizations and interest groups.

Public Affairs may refer to:

      Public administration, the implementation of government policy.

      Public policy, the philosophy guiding action taken by the administrative branches of the state.

•  Public affairs industry, which manages relations between organizations and politicians, governments and other decision-makers.

      Lobbying, the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in a government.

      Public affairs (broadcasting), radio or television programs that focus on matters of politics and public policy.

      Public affairs (military) offices of the Department of Defence that deal with the media.

      Public relations, management of communications between an organization and the public.

Public affairs  generally refers to the building and development of relations between an organization and politicians, governments and other decision-makers. The industry has developed over recent years and is normally considered a branch or sub-discipline of public relations (PR). 

Public affairs practitioners are engaged in a variety of roles.  These can include lobbying, monitoring and predicting political, legal, economic and social developments, and providing political intelligence and strategic advice.  Central to all of these areas is the concept of stakeholder relations.

Building relationships and partnerships is the key when engaging with policy makers. Consideration should be given to potential partnership with a variety of groups and individuals i.e. key stakeholders which includes community groups, pressure groups, non-governmental organizations, technical / policy experts, think tanks and academics.

Working in Public Affairs

Public affairs combines government relations, strategic communications and issues management to meet a variety of business objectives – be they to influence public policy, strengthen an organization’s reputation or to find common ground with important stakeholders including government, media, local communities, clients, shareholders, trade associations, think tanks, business groups, not-for-profits, employees, unions, or customers.

Public affairs practitioners often work 'in house' for a company, trade association or charity; as an advisor for a political consultancy;  working with a number of clients or as a freelancer; for a trade union, a political or issue based organisation; or for a government agency or in local government. Public affairs practitioners can be tasked with a wide range of activities. Some may specialise in media relations, campaign management, local government or ‘Parliamentary Bills’, while others will work across the spectrum.

Some of the activities and skills a public affairs practitioner would be expected to learn include:

      Lobbying: Practitioners may need to influence stakeholders on specific policy or legislation proposals at a local, national or International level.  They will devise strategies on who to lobby and engage with, on what issues and advise at what stage in the legislative process to get involved.

   Monitoring: It is essential that any public affairs work is based on the most up to date information and so political monitoring is essential.  Practitioners at all levels will have their own daily media diet including checking statements and releases from Parliament, Govt. institutions, political parties, local government, public bodies, think tanks, pressure groups, debates, committee inquiries, and the media.

      Media management: Public affairs practitioners often carry out what are seen as traditional PR activities but with a political focus because, in many cases, the media can be a significant stakeholder to the organisation. These activities include writing press releases and articles, researching, copy writing, producing annual reports and managing databases of, and building up relationships with, media contacts. Depending on the organisation, public affairs practitioners will also take part in media interviews.

  Organizing and attending events: Practitioners may organize events in order to provide opportunities to meet with stakeholders.  Initially the relevant stakeholders will need to be identified, as will the issues that the organisation needs to bring to the attendees' attention. They will also invariably attend parliamentary committee meetings, party conferences, related seminars, conferences, Government Departmental stakeholder meetings, All-Party Parliamentary Groups and other events related to the local, national or International dimension of the subject matter.

      Providing information to stakeholders: It is essential in public affairs that practitioners are able to convey information to stakeholders in a concise, efficient and honest manner. This can be done through submissions to government consultations, answering letters from MPs/ MLAs / Govt. Dept., writing internal and external briefing papers, and producing leaflets and newsletters or by holding one-to-one meetings with the stakeholders.

      Political marketing: The government is a huge procurer and many corporate / companies are keen to sell their products to the public sector. Public affairs practitioners may be used to raise the profile of a company or service provider in order to increase the chances of the government becoming a client.

      Networking and Contacts: Public affairs practitioners need to be confident at networking and able to ‘work a room’. Largely, it is about having the confidence to approach people and strike up conversation. One of the things that they take from one job to another is their personal and professional contacts, and in many cases these might be intermingled. It is important to build up a network of contacts within and across different sectors.

 Thanks for reading. 


  1. Very well explained, nice effort .

  2. A full fledged, distinct subject in itself, very well covered by you in detail


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