Corporate Communication

Corporate Communication

Corporate Communication is the method by which large and medium size corporate communicates with its target public i.e. employees, customers, and stakeholders. Reputation of the corporate and its products are built through the messages disseminated by the corporate to its employees, customers and different publics. These messages,  called Corporate Communication, makes the corporate visible and gives its products an image and reputation a customer can identify with.

Stakeholders i.e. investors, shareholders, partners, suppliers, employees, government, NGO’s, local community, industry and customers - any individual or group which can affect or be affected by an organisations activities need to feel a sense of involvement with what the corporate is doing, the more they know, and the more open the communication with them, the more they trust, and feel involved and responsible for the corporate in which they have a stake.

To communicate effectively, a corporate needs professionals who specialise in communications with both employees and the external audiences. Corporate communicators need to understand and empathise with all the target audiences and know how to use Public Relations, marketing Communications and Internal communications effectively, to express corporate identity, corporate culture and brand equity through internal and external media.

For this a corporate should create a department comprising professional expert in both, employee communications and in external communications. The tools used by both the specialities are dissimilar and require a different sensitivity in managing them. These professional must be versatile and capable of writing a press release, an article on behalf of the top management for publication in the mass media, and must know what tone to adopt when writing a message for the CEO to employees.

The corporate communication department is a source of information to journalists and vice versa from the media to the management. Corporate communication department is a guide and influence to top management about image management, it co-ordinates between the PR agency and the CEO in creating and maintaining an image of the company. It is the liaison between the top management and the marketing department in the preparation of product advertisements and marketing communications. 

The Corporate Communication department is custodian of the brand image, and briefs and supervises the production of product literature and advertising, managing of corporate website, co-ordinates with printers, AV makers, film producers, creative agencies so that the standards of the corporate and its identity are followed.

In internal communications, the corporate communications department edits the house journal, newsletter, email messages from the top management which have to be vetted and rewritten, notice boards have to be kept busy and the intranet has to be updated enough for two way communication between management and employees to maintain morale and to further their identification and purpose with the company.

The corporate communication department works along with and under the overall direction of the Managing director in providing policies and guidelines in corporate image, corporate identity and corporate culture. The Corporate communication department works closely with HR in inculcating corporate culture and two-way communication in the company through internal/employee communications. The corporate communication department also works with the marketing department on marketing communications and also with the finance department in disseminating relevant financial information.

A corporate communication department is as essential to a company as Finance and HR especially in a company which has a large number of employees comprising, workers, managers, marketing and sales people who are located in several different units in diverse areas spanning a range of states and countries.
As the interaction between the government, industry, the environment, and the public becomes extremely complex, Public Relations have become an inevitable component of corporate affairs.
PR or Public relations is about shaping and projecting an image as a key element in the drive for success. Top executives now consider a good image as a basic resource in the same way that they view finance or people. As the interaction between the government, industry, the environment, and the public becomes extremely complex, Public Relations has become an inevitable component of corporate affairs.
Public Relations is the corporation communicating with its various publics with the end in view of winning public understanding, acceptance, and support. It is a public recognition of a substantive performance. In fact PR can very well mean Performance Recognition.
Thank you.


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