How to sell your story to the media?

How to Sell Your Story to the Media?

The BEST way to INTEREST the MEDIA in your STORY is to MAKE  it NEWSWORTHY

NEWS is any information that is interesting or unusual. Media is interested in the stories which has an interesting angle. So prior to writing a press release or approaching the target media on a particular aspect or some new concept of your client or the organisation you work for, first ask yourself whether your story:

• Builds awareness of the organisation, of the services and products
it offers, and of the needs of its publics;

• Has an interesting angle;

• Passes the media's interest test 

The media is usually willing to publish the stories that includes:

• Launch of a new product or service

• Signing of JV agreements, Mergers & Acquisitions 

• International & National awards

• Appointments of CEO, COO, CTO, CFOs etc.

• Assemblies, conventions, symposiums, events.

• Annual Day celebration, Anniversary 

• Presentation of new projects or corporate reports

• CEO's Point of view on new laws or regulations

• Technical reports

• Customer education campaigns

• Presentation of studies, surveys

Once you have identified the story having an interesting angle, you need to share it with the media in a way that will grab their attention. You must pitch the journalists the importance, scope, and positive impact of the story and the specific message you are sharing. 

Before making the first contact, evaluate what the media is interested in and what the best way of presenting the information will be. Do not forget to express the information clearly, with excellent grammar, and correct spelling. 

Before writing the press release do ask yourself:-

a. What should be said? - Think carefully about the message that you want to send, starting from the premise that what might seem interesting to you may not be interesting to the audience you are going to address.

b. Who should say it? - Identify a spokesperson who will give the message a voice and a face. It is important to prepare this person well so he/she is clear on what should and should not be said and how it should be said.

c. Whom do you want to reach? - The message should be addressed to those audiences you feel would be most interested or affected by what you have to say. Then adapt the language of your message to make sure that it is understandable to that audience.

d. Through what media? - Select the type of media that will best suit your message, intended recipients, and the response you expect.

Cheers :)


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